Tuesday, August 26, 2008

what would you say to your younger self?

After a few shots of sake, my friend and I came to a conversation on age.

She says, "I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror yesterday and it finally hit me. I'm almost thirty. I always used to look at myself in the mirror and just see ME...but yesterday I saw myself as an older version of me. It's weird coz it's never happened before..."

I don't know if it was the sake bombs we were drinking or what...but it got me thinking of my own life and how I see myself. Though I still have five more years 'til I'm thirty, I just started thinking if I were at a point in my life wherein my younger self would be proud of me.

I visited the website www.letterstomyyoungerself.com and it's mostly women (celebrities, writers, singers, politicians, artists, and ordinary women) wanting to tell their younger self something they know NOW. It got me thinking on what I want to tell the younger me...hmm..

If only I felt a little older...

I still feel like a kid sometimes. And when I look in the mirror I still see the same person I've been looking at for the past twenty-five years of my life. I don't see the gray hair, I don't see the wrinkles, I don't see past the glimmer of worry in my eyes...i just see ME...

oh well, maybe tomorrow I'll wake up look at the mirror and see me as a 25-year old...today i can dream about still being 21 and not having to pay rent and receive allowance from mom.


But i do remember my younger self saying, "I'll probably be working in some glamorous corporate world, married and getting ready to have kids when i'm around 25 to 27"...mmm...RIGHHHTTTT *sarcasm*.

I'll tell my younger self to - not rush into situations and that getting married early is not a prerequisite to have an amazingly fabulous life. And I'll tell the younger me, that kids are life altering little things...they're disguised as little cute baggages, but indeed they are baggages that can only be carried when you're ready. And you'll know when you're not ready when it's staring at you in the face. I'd say "take your time"...and that your first boyfriend is not gonna be your last...and that who you thought was gonna be your last boyfriend is still not gonna be THE last. Haha. And that just "expect the unexpected" and sometimes things just fall into place when you didn't even know that things were NOT in place. Never rule out bars when meeting an amazing person, because sometimes fate just steps in at the weirdest of places...like a dive bar in West Hollywood...and that sometimes, you have to be a good Samaritan and go out on a limb to reap life altering rewards (like helping strangers with their flat tires).

(Note: Check out the book If I'd Known Then by Ellyn Spragins..it's supposed to be inspirational...or NOT...it may make you realize that some of these women accomplished a LOT in their early twenties. So it could either make you feel inspired, or just make you feel like shit cause you're thirty and still have not accomplished what you've set out to accomplish. Ugh.)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Help Me Make Strides Against Breast Cancer

Dear Friend:

No one should have to face the words, "you have breast cancer" alone. Not me or you, or your mother, sister, friend or colleague.

That's why I want to help make a difference in the fight against breast cancer by participating in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk this October in San Diego. I hope you will join me by making a donation in support of my effort.

Why Making Strides? Because the American Cancer Society invests the funds I raise in a responsible and effective way, fighting breast cancer on many fronts: groundbreaking research, public awareness and education campaigns, advocacy at the federal and state level to ensure all women have access to mammograms, and free programs and services that improve the quality of life for patients and their families.

And at Making Strides, walkers like me unite to honor breast cancer survivors and to educate women about early detection and prevention.

How can you help? You can support my efforts by making a donation using my personal online fundraising page. It's safe and simple. All you have to do is click the link below and follow the few easy steps. Last year, 450,000 Making Strides participants raised $45 million, and they did it one donation at a time. So, whether you're able to give $5 or $500, every bit truly does help.

Hope starts with me. And hope can start with you.

Thank you!

Let's Make Strides...Donate Here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

a letter to my younger self

Dear Oli,

Hi...you probably things are tough right now, but just brace yourself for what is about to come. But I do want you to know that things will be "kind of" okay and I know you have all these insecurities but I want you to know that there is nothing to be ashamed in:

1. Having super curly hair that has a mind of it's own. So what if the wind blows it and it stays exactly as the wind has blown it? You'll realize some years later that some people would love to have textured hair as you do and it will define the sense of style you will carry.

2. Being darker than an average Filipina. You'll realize that being called "negra" or "uling" is just another way to make you stronger and accept criticisms once you grow older. Someone will always be fairer than you, prettier than you, thinner than you, smarter than you, faster than you...etc. But that doesn't stop you from reaching your own potential...be it in beauty, smarts, or drives.

3. Having "soccer legs". Think of the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood...'My what big eyes you have...the better to see you, my child'. Analogy in playing your sports..."my, what big legs you have...the better to outrun you, bitch."

4. Being mediocre in things you set out to do. I know you're frustrated, Oli. You've tried ballet, taekwondo, swimming, soccer, hula, contemporary ballet, belly dancing, piano, guitar...but have never really truly excelled in one. But at least you can say that you've tried something new. It'll help you cope with new experiences once you've grown older. (Believe me)

5. Being a "happy drunk". So okay, people tell you that you become a whole other person when you drink. You seem carefree...you're loud...and wildly flirtatious. Do not be ashamed of who you are when inebriated. It makes for happy memories.

6. Letting "bygones be bygones". I'm telling you now that you will make major mistakes in your life that are more than your ten little fingers can count (and that's only when you've reached 25!). And sometimes not even friends or family will be there for you...not even your spirituality will save you...and you will find yourself sinking so low that you would not know where to pick yourself up from. You'll find yourself doing/saying things you never thought possible. I'm telling you now, do not ever take for granted the upbringing youv'e had. It's what made you the person that you are now, and it's what will make you the person that you are in the future. Be thankful of the values that you've been harnessed growing up because sometimes the only thing that you can cling to are your values. You'll find yourself reaching your lowest of lows...but be grateful for not clinging to "things" that will pull you to some bottomless abyss. Be aware of your own strength.

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Landlord ...

After a year....this video still cracks me up!!!

See more Will Ferrell videos at Funny or Die

Monday, August 04, 2008

Johnny Depp to do Riddler for Batman 3?

Buzz around Hollywood circles is that J. Depp has been approached to do The Riddler for Batman 3...C. Nolan wanted someone who could match or be better than the late H. Ledger's Joker.

(Omg. Be still my heart. Haha.)

Other rumors...

Megan Fox as Catwoman and Philip Seymour Hoffman as Penguin.