Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Master Cleanse - Semi-Conclusion

I'm on day 3...and this is what i can say about the diet/"detoxification" process:

1. 12 glasses of lemonade does not satiate my hunger...(geez, Filipino ako ano, i need rice!)
2. The hunger pangs do come and go...according to the book (mine went on ALL day, haha!)
3. I feel listless...tired...and just generally unhappy. Even a couple of my friends noticed from work...and they don't know that I'm on the detox.
4. I feel delirious from hunger.
5. I recommend to not work out while on this diet. I did it, and was like a vegetable afterwards.
6. I went more than 10 times in a DAY to the bathroom to do NUMBER 2...that's not even counting the trips i made to the bathroom to do NUMBER 1. (you do the math)
7. ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE - i did lose 5 lbs. (which is basically nothing since it's just water weight that i've lost, i would've lost the same amount if i went on a laxative tea diet and just drank water for a day.)

Conclusion? I'm still thinking if i should push through. Hunger is a pain like no other. (plus, i've been dreaming of a big fat juicy steak...and some baby back ribs...MMMM) But, as of yet, I'm still debating...


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