Friday, November 07, 2008

The Things You Say

And when you say:

> you'll be there when i'm sick and bring me chicken soup to bed...

> you'll massage my feet...

> you'll reach the high shelves when i can't reach the bowls...

> you'll open the ketchup bottles and jars when i'm struggling...

> you'll take me to long walks and night outs in the city...

> you'll let me decorate our apartment...and drive your Jeep...

> you'll watch You've Got Mail with me...and not laugh when I cry when Tom Hanks says "don't cry Shop Girl...don't cry"...

> you'll learn Tagalog for me...

> you'll never let me forget how special i am...

> "Hey Beautiful" every single time i pick up the phone...

> you promise we'll have a comfortable life together...we may not be filthy rich but we'll be comfortable...

> and that I am the perfect Long Island Iced Tea.

You make the cynic in me crumble and die. I'm just sayin...



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