Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Paying For The Experience

When did buying things online become cheaper than actually going into a store?

Electronics...wardrobe...perfume...phones....appliances...MUSIC. Everything is half off online.

It seems like we're paying for the inconvenience of going into a store nowadays.

I do admit that I am an Amazon junkie (i heart with a passion). I buy most of my electronics from there and their deals on Birkenstocks are absolutely amazing. But when I found myself itching for a copy Jason Mraz's old albums. I found myself not willing to wait 3 to 5 business days for it to get shipped...even when it meant foregoing a half-price amount on BOTH of his old albums. Nope...I had to have it. Like, ASAP.

So I put on my driving shoes, and drove to a music store.

I have not been to a music store in ages. The last one I've been to was probably six months ago and it was a Tower Records that was shutting down. Goddamn iPod and iTunes are just burning these music stores to the ground. Whatever happened to good ole old school browsing the store aisles for music...NOT browsing the web for the best application for music downloads.

So there I was in *Amoeba Music, and I absolutely fell in love with the experience of buying music.

It was rows and rows of cds from rock to classical. Absolutely amazing.

This is what I've been missing out by buying music online?

Just being able to browse through all the cds and just be lost in there was an experience. They had the old school records, I wouldn't even be surprised if they had cassette tapes!

I fuckin loved it.

When I finally found my Jason Mraz cds, I found the price tag twice the amount of what was on Amazon.

But at this point, I didn't really care.

I'm paying for the experience. And shit, I'll give a tip too.

*Amoeba Music - is an indie music store


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