Friday, January 30, 2009

fat free water? hmm

I picked up a bottle of water today and LO AND BEHOLD - FAT FREE H2O from Coffee Bean. Tsk wonder it's been such an ordeal to lose weight all these years...I've been drinking fckin fatty water! Shet.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Master Cleanse - Semi-Conclusion

I'm on day 3...and this is what i can say about the diet/"detoxification" process:

1. 12 glasses of lemonade does not satiate my hunger...(geez, Filipino ako ano, i need rice!)
2. The hunger pangs do come and go...according to the book (mine went on ALL day, haha!)
3. I feel listless...tired...and just generally unhappy. Even a couple of my friends noticed from work...and they don't know that I'm on the detox.
4. I feel delirious from hunger.
5. I recommend to not work out while on this diet. I did it, and was like a vegetable afterwards.
6. I went more than 10 times in a DAY to the bathroom to do NUMBER 2...that's not even counting the trips i made to the bathroom to do NUMBER 1. (you do the math)
7. ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE - i did lose 5 lbs. (which is basically nothing since it's just water weight that i've lost, i would've lost the same amount if i went on a laxative tea diet and just drank water for a day.)

Conclusion? I'm still thinking if i should push through. Hunger is a pain like no other. (plus, i've been dreaming of a big fat juicy steak...and some baby back ribs...MMMM) But, as of yet, I'm still debating...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another Hare-Brained Idea - The Master Cleanse


Alright, since I got some major excess baggage after the Holiday-binge-eating season....thought I'd do the Master Cleanse. A lot of my friends swear by it...Beyonce swears by bosses swear by it...and hopefully so shall I. I figured that a lemon diet cannot kill me in TEN days.

Adios, solid food for ten days.

So today I went to the nearest organic food store...and grabbed the essentials:

1. Organic Grade-B Maple Syrup
2. Non-Iodized Sea Salt
3. Laxative Tea
4. Cayenne Pepper - Powdered

So right now, I am at 1xx lbs (i'm never gonna tell...hehe)...we'll see how much i'll weigh in ten days. (if i'm still alive and not frothing at the mouth from hunger....hehehe...).

To my friends who are wondering if this works...I will gladly be your guinea pig and test this MASTER CLEANSE...who knows, I might have Beyonce's body by then. (dream dream dream)