Thursday, October 28, 2004


It's 6:00 a.m. and my cellphone's been alarming for (i think was) 5 seconds...DAMN. Another work day ahead of me, and I was groggy as hell. I pushed the Snooze button...and drifted off into my sleepy stupor. Thank God for Snooze! Got a little bit more sleep...around 5 minutes to be exact and dragged myself out of bed...

Just my luck...another bad hair day! What an awesome way to start off the day...I could hear roosters crowing in the backyard. DAMN. I could smell their "poopie" stench 50 feet away from my room. God, i do loathe the place...

I went to the bathroom...brushed my teeth, only to find my feet in a puddle in the middle of the bathroom. What the...?! Where have all the bath mats gone? DAMN! I look to where the water was coming from...and to my utter disgust, saw it leaking from the "age-old" toilet. Argh! Can things get any worse???

My stomach was growling, and I headed to the kitchen. Got myself some Spam and eggs. Mmmm...first time in a long time I've had breakfast. I gobbled it up in 5 minutes and walked to the sink...only to step on some dead cockroach on the carpet. DAMN! I hate roaches..they stink...they're disgusting...and they dwell in dirty places. Can't blame them for staying here...
So there I was, with roach intestine on my feet and struggling to walkout on tip toe. I went to this container beside the sink to throw my leftovers away. I opened it...and...DAMN...the stench was unbearable! Sour, bitter stench reached my nostrils and I almost gagged. Left inside the container were the family's leftovers for almost ONE WEEK! DAMN!

I thought the worse was over...but apparently...NOT...

I reached out to return the lid of the container to block out the smell. Only to find it teeming with fat/stubby MAGGOTS! DAMN! They were everywhere! And all I could do was stare and hope I wouldn't lose it.

The Spam and eggs...half digested in my stomach...were swimming around in my stomach wanting to let loose. They were slowly climbing up...wanting to get out...

The maggots were squirming everywhere...and were trying to get into cracks of the "jurassic" kitchen counter top. I have never seen anything so DISGUSTING...and utterly amazing. It was like something you saw on Disovery Channel. All these fat little maggots trying to squirm in between cracks and burying themselves into the week's leftovers.

Thank God I didn't lose it. My Spam and eggs settled in my stomach AGAIN waiting to be digested (again). And my mind was swimming with thoughts of little white maggots.

What a way to start my day. I dressed up...put on my make up...and tried to block away the horrors of my morning. I look forward to work now. Only to find myself coming home in the afternoon to the same place for another round of amazing adventures....


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